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South Carolina Virtual Charter School
About Us
SCVCS provides a virtual education opportunity for students in grades K through 12 in each county and district throughout South Carolina. A growing number of students learn in non-conventional settings. Many students choose to seek other opportunities due to medical hardships, the need for academic assistance or the desire to advance, social anxiety, or the wish to excel academically.
The mission of SCVCS is to provide a rigorous standards-based education to those students who seek the virtual option.
A one size fits all is an antiquated approach that has never adequately served the student population. With the advances in technology, SCVCS provides an online option that is rigorous, standards-based, and managed by long-time South Carolina educators. All courses are vetted by the South Carolina Department of Education to ensure strict compliance and matching of grade and course level standards.
Veteran South Carolina educators with online training and experience provides live class sessions, tutoring/assistance sessions, individual conferences, and general oversight of the student’s progress. SCVCS monitors student achievement and growth to ensure that all students are provided the opportunity to master the classwork assigned and progress appropriately toward graduation.
Virtual education provides an option for a growing number of students throughout the state and allows the student to have some degree of ownership and flexibility in his/her education.